• +46 (0) 980-55015
  • Nikkaluokta 1104, SE 981 99 Kiruna

Environment and Quality

A long term sustainable development is natural in Sámi trades

We protect our unique natural heritage. Therefore, we are trained and certified according to ISO 14001.

Our environmental goals are to keep the village and surrounding nature clean and unspoiled. We want to spread knowledge about this to people here and to guests so they will care for nature and the mountains.

We will not stop there with the already accomplished. We continue to educate ourselves in quality and environmental practices.

We also work with VisitSápmi and have the quality label Sápmi Experience. This we do to quality secure our basic Sámi values and ethics.
Visit Sápmi

Our quality work also is present in our restaurant Skáidi. It has been awarded a Slow Food Sápmi diploma because the way we value local products, fair and non toxic food.
Slowfood Sápmi

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