• +46 (0) 980-55015
  • Nikkaluokta 1104, SE 981 99 Kiruna

Gallery Skáidi


Skáidi eatnamat – is Sámi and means land between rivers.

In the Sámi culture the land has a special meaning and importance. Therefore we have named our art gallery Skáidi eatnamat.

Photography, art or design – every art form can give you an unexpected encounter with the soul of the land. Artists can be Sámi, Swedish or from all over the world.

Sámi art and handicraft have quite a few distinguished practitioners that we are proud of. Some exhibit with us like Lars Pirak, Perlsak Juuso, Ulrika Tapio, Barbro Poggats, HansRagnar Mathisen and Lena Stenberg.

We also arrange cultural events within theater, music and poetry. Among others we have had

Àillohas NilsAslak Walkeapää – Sámi poetry
AnnaMaria Blind – Sámi story teller
Åsa Simma-Charles – Sámi theater
LarsAnte Kuhmunen – joik (traditional Sámi singing) .

Exhibitions 2018

1/4 – 6/5 Ulf Jonsson Photography The Sky, Aurora & Starscape

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