• +46 (0) 980-55015
  • Nikkaluokta 1104, SE 981 99 Kiruna

Mountain Transport


Nikkaluokta Alltransport offers you transport during summer and winter.

We will take you were you want to go in our mountainarea– safely, comfortably and with good local knowledge.

In the summer you can book a boat transport up the Vistas valley to shorten the hiking distance to the mountains.

In winter we use snowmobiles to get to the Kebnekaise Mountain Station and to the STF cabins in the mountain area.

We also handle goods in winter time: to the mountain station and STF mountain cabins.

Nikkaluokta Alltransport is owned and operated by Erik Sarri – born and raised in Nikkaluokta. The drivers of the the snowmobiles are mostly from our area. We loook forward to get both bookings and questions. See you in Nikkaluokta!

Kind regards,

Erik Sarri

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