• +46 (0) 980-55015
  • Nikkaluokta 1104, SE 981 99 Kiruna


The way to Kebnekaise and Singi

On the trail to Kebnekaise you can take a boat over lake Ladtjojavri. Contact Enoks for more information.

During the summer there is also a helicopter base in Nikkaluokta. Contact Kallax flyg for more information.


Boat transport in Vistas

Shorten your hike by over 10km by booking boat transportation. We operate daily tours during the season.

A lot of hikers appreciate a boat transfer up the Vistas valley or choose to be picked up on their way home from the mountains.

Nikkaluokta Alltransport offers transport 7 or 12 km into the valley.
From the drop off points you can hike back to Nikkaluokta or further up into the moutains.

We have no fixed time table so you have to book your tansport in advance. We try to meet all hikers needs.

Since the water in Visttasjohka constantly changes there is no way to, in andvance, tell how far up in the valley we can transport you.

You can do a preliminary booking online or give us a call.

If you want to do a river safari, please see River safari.

vistasdalen-bat-traffik vistasdalen-bat


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