• +46 (0) 980-55015
  • Nikkaluokta 1104, SE 981 99 Kiruna

What to do

Halt the time – stay here and now!

Nature is close, the experiences and views are yours, come close to the mountains with us.

In Nikkaluokta the road ends and the trail to the Kebnekaise mountain starts. So leave everyday life behind and experience our mountains.

Wintertime in Nikkaluokta offers white plains, cold and aurora borealis. Take a trip on skis or by snowmobile – sit in the snow and enjoy the spring sunshine.

Summertime in Nikkaluokta means light around the clock, thanks to the midnight sun.

The Mountain birch paints valleys green and the brooks quench the thirst of the wanderers.

Make day trips on the trail, take a boat trip along the meandering river.

Join our guides on activities and meet the Sami culture with us.





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