• +46 (0) 980-55015
  • Nikkaluokta 1104, SE 981 99 Kiruna

Mountain Hiking


Our favorite day treks which you can do on your own

Kåge (Gogicohkka) – Nikkaluoktas byfjäll (our village mountain).

An uphill walk to the tree line and beyond. You can experience nature’s shifting colors and moods overlooking three valleys. Approximately 3 hrs walk. Bring a lunch pack and spend a refreshing day above the trees.


Walk in the mountain birch forest for approx 6 kilometres and reach the glacier lake Laddjujávri, it takes about 1.5 hrs. At the lake you have a magnificent view of the Kebnekaise massif. You will find the “kåta” café and can also go on a boat tour.

Hunting pits

After the bridge over Tjeurajokk you come to a system of pits dug 1 000 years ago to trap moose and reindeer. These are archeological reminders of the Sámi way of life before becoming herders of reindeer.

It is approximately 5 kilometers or 1.5 hrs walk to the pits. You can also turn back just after the Tjeurajokk Bridge and make it a short walk of 45 minutes. Make sure to ask at the reception for more information about the pits.

Kebnekaise Mountain station

Trek to the Kebnekaise Mountain station along the marked trail in the valley. It is 19 kilometers from Nikkaluokta to the Kebnekaise Mountain Station. Getting there can include a boat trip of 6 kilometres. It takes 4 – 6 hours in total. From the mountain station there are marked trails towards the Southern summit of Mt Kebnekaise, Sweden’s highest mountain. It is also possible to take a helicopter to the Mountain Station.

Vistasdalen (Vista Valley)

Follow a small trail through an untouched birch forest valley. You can also book a boat trip 7 or 12 kilometers on the meandering river with its delta landscape.

The trail Tjuonajokk

You walk the trail to Tjuonajokk and across the Ladtjojokk suspended bridge onto open marshlands and through mountain forests. The view of the Kebnekaise Massif is great. It takes approximately 3 hours to reach Tjuonajokk.

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