• +46 (0) 980-55015
  • Nikkaluokta 1104, SE 981 99 Kiruna

History of Nikkaluokta

In the Nikkaluokta mountain region Sámi settlements have been around for thousands of years

The first permanent settlements in torvkåtor (Tentipi shaped huts with thatched roofs) were built in Nikkaluokta in the beginning of the 20th century by reindeer herding families that during harsh winters lost their reindeers and started looking for other means to survive. Nikkaluokta was on the reindeer migratory route and therefore a good place to settle. Here fishing and hunting was good and later working with transports and service proved valuable.

These people had large families that all got their income from many different sources. One of the families was Nils Olsson Sarri and his wife Maria. Most of their 14 children came to work within tourism. Today 14 families live in Nikkaluokta year around and in the summer the village is twice as big. After the road was built along the valley to Nikkaluokta the means of transport changed and tourism became the dominant trade in Nikkaluokta.

The Sarri family started with small scale tourism by offering food and accommodation in the family home. Tourism then developed little by little to the business it is today. Our vision is still to serve food and offer accommodation. But we also want to inform and educate about our village, nature and culture. It is important for us to preserve Nikkaluokta as a living village year around. Most people working for us are Sámi or local people from the village.

Knowledge and respect for our surroundings is an integral part of our business philosophy and everything we do stems from nature and Sámi culture.

We have seasonal opening times but for groups it is possible to book all year around. Nikkaluokta Sarri AB is today owned and operated by Anna and Margareta Sarri – daughter and mother. We are third and fourth generation in the village.

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