• +46 (0) 980-55015
  • Nikkaluokta 1104, SE 981 99 Kiruna

Skiing Tour


Cross country in Nikkaluokta – spring time joy

Skiing starts directly at the door steps of the Nikkaluokta cabins. Backpack up and off you go.

To ski up along the Ladtjo Valley is a spring time dream. Follow the snowmobile tracks west and ski through birch forest the first kilometers.

Then the marsh lands and lakes spread out before you and beyond you can see the mighty Kebnekaise Mountains.

Another excursion is to ski in the quiet Vista Valley. After 12 kilometers there is a small cabin called Lisa’s Cabin where you can have a good rest. Or a friendly snow slope can be a nice place for a rest too.

It is possible to ski onwards up onto the treeless mountain slopes on a nice day. The views are majestic particularly on clear sunny days. Be sure to have sunglasses with you!



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