• +46 (0) 980-55015
  • Nikkaluokta 1104, SE 981 99 Kiruna



Corporate Meetings

Meetings that satisfy are the ones when everybody is attending, are enjoying themselves and bring thoughts and energy to the table.

A conference in Nikkaluokta can tailor to your convenience.

Effective and creative
If you are short on time but still want to get away from your daily environment to create results do a one day meeting here.

Meeting package include conference room in Gallery Skádi, coffee, buffet lunch or a 2 course business lunch.

Lunch to lunch meeting
Check in at lunch and check out a day later.

24 hours of meetings, inspiring each other, eating good food and sometimes contemplating the mountain views to lift you above petty problems.

One day-and-night meeting package include 6 bed modern house, meeting room, coffee and tea, 2 buffet lunches, one three course dinner with Sámi and arctic flavors and breakfast buffet.

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